All About Us

The truth is….we’re no one special.

We’re just a regular couple who have finally stopped to look around and have realized that we’re not doing all that great with our finances. We’re not on the brink of bankruptcy or on the verge of homelessness; no, nothing as interesting and dramatic as that. We’re simply not as happy, comfortable, and stable as we’d like to be. Realistically we’re like a lot of people, paying our bills without much of a struggle but really only one big unexpected financial strain from being in trouble. And well…that’s not a very good feeling.

Selfishly, we have other motives, too. Namely, a family vacation. And until we get our finances in order — really in order — if we ever hope to be able to afford to take a family of six to Florida for a week.

So this blog is going to be all about us doing just that — learning to live within our means and saving money where we can. No fancy financial stuff, no strict rules, just two people who normally aren’t that great with money (hopefully) learning how to do better.


3 thoughts on “All About Us

  1. I love the premise of your blog and the title is pretty awesome and what caught my eye. I think it’s totally worth it to sacrifice for travel. It’s always the one thing I never regret splurging on.


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